Essay Writing: Pre-Submission Checklist

1. Do Not Change Grammar Tenses Throughout the Essay

Use the present tense (He takes this stance because …) or past tense (He said this because …) – but not both in one essay. Professors will take off quite a few points for this simple mistake.

2. Write Only in the Third Person

  • Never write an essay in the first person (I believe).
  • Never write in the second person (You …)
  • Only write college writing assignments in the third person (The reader may not agree with this statement.)

3. Avoid Using Contractions

  • Not “can’t see”, but cannot see”.
  • Not “couldn’t”, but “could not”.
  • Don’t use “didn’t”, but “did not”.
  • Don’t use, “should’ve” but “should have”.

4. Spell Words Correctly

There are dictionaries and spell checks for a reason. Use them. Misspelling words will cost a student a substantial loss in points due to carelessness.

5. Fact-Check the Sources and Complete a Works Cited Page to Avoid Plagiarism

Any source used in an essay, no matter how little, should be recorded in the student’s Works Cited page. Just in case. It helps them avoid plagiarism: the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own. Which results in Expulsion.

6. Leave no Dangling Participles

This is when a participle (the nominal form of a verb, most often ending –ing) lacks a clear connection with the word it modifies. It’s like a sentence changing midstream for no apparent reason.

Incorrect – dangling participle:

  • Writing at my kitchen table, the sudden noise startled me. [Writing lacks connection with noise].
  • Turning around, the view was much transformed. [Turning lacks connection with a view].

Correct – no dangling participle:

  • Writing at my kitchen table, I was startled by the sudden noise.
  • Turning the corner, he discovered that the view was much transformed.

The tips listed in the article will definitely help you consider all the details when writing an essay. If you want to know more about the pitfalls to be avoided in writing your college essays, read the related articles on our website. Some links are given above in the article. If you don’t feel like learning all those nuances, place an order and our writers will write a perfect essay for you.


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J.K. Garcia: <strong>Name:</strong> J.K. Garcia <strong>Education:</strong> University of California San Diego (UCSD) <strong>Current occupation:</strong> Senior editor for PrivateWriting.com, academic writer, and education blogger with more than 170 published articles. <strong>Recent works:</strong> “Full List of the Most Trending Argumentative Essay Topics”, “Descriptive Essay: A Closer Look at Descriptive Essay Writing”, “Definition Essay: A Powerful Guide to Writing an Excellent Paper”, “12 Steps to Writing a Research Proposal”, “The Contribution of Academic Institution in Children’s Well-Being”, “Home Schooling is an Ideal Way to Obtain Quality Education”, “Download Sites Violate Copyright Rules”, “Bullets in Victim’s Head: Hate Crime or Parking Space”, “Scholarly Articles Broaden the Student’s Outlook”, “Commemorating Pi on 3/14/15”, “Honesty is Sometimes Not the Best Policy”, “What Education Do You Need to Become a Master Chef?” Hobbies: Scuba diving, sphynx cats, European football, fine arts. <strong>About me:</strong> I work full-time as a senior content editor for an education platform Private Writing. As a freelancer, I contribute to blogs and online magazines in the fields I’m interested in, which include sports, arts, education, and animals, to name a few. My writing skills are diverse and engaging, giving me an opportunity to write in different styles and genres. I have put on several roles as a writer, from a guest blogger to an editor in chief for an academic writing company. Today it feels like the role of a senior editor suits me the best giving me an opportunity to work and supervise many talented writers enabling them to grow as professionals. My biggest accomplishments as a writer are to always go through with my assignments until the end and giving out 110% of what I’ve got until the final result lives up to the expectations. This one time a colleague of mine, a novice writer with a huge potential in academic writing, approached me for a piece of advice on how to be a better author. This gave me a huge boost of inspiration to be a better mentor for my fellow writers and be a more accomplished author when it comes to my own writing. I’m a native English speaker, also well-versed in Spanish and French, which are both my second languages thanks to my father’s ancestors being half Mexican and French. I read a lot of books and blogs to keep my skills on point. I’m a strong believer in the theory that the English language is an ever-evolving organism that changes every minute. So to keep up with the changes it’s necessary to read a lot in order to be up to speed.